What are chakras? image
Chakras are energy centers, or portals in the field. Located along the central channel of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head, they are conceived of as whirling, wheel-like vortexes through which universal/cosmic energy flows into and out of a person.

The word in Sanskrit means "wheel" or "disk." The concept comes to us from Hindu and Buddhist traditions. There are seven major energy centers, plus many minor ones. (My own form of energy work, Restorative Touch, posits an eighth.) Each corresponds to specific glands, organs, and facets of your being.

Energy flows through the system in two ways. First, it flows up and down along the central channel, connecting each chakra. Second, it flows horizontally, in an exchange of energy with the cosmos.
Disturbances in a chakra's flow of the energy can result in disturbances in a person’s health, emotions, mind, spirit, or life.

Many forms of energy healing work with these energy centers. Here are the following 7 main chakras of the body and what they're responsible for, plus symptoms of imbalance.

The crown is located at the top of the head and is believed to be where our intuition rests. It connects us to one another, inviting us to remember how we are linked to all living beings on earth. It is associated with our right and upper brain and right eye.
When unbalanced, one might suffer from headaches, depression, or insomnia. Emotional imbalance related to the crown chakra might include arrogance, pride, hallucinations, or melancholy.

The Brow (third eye chakra), which is our sixth chakra, is associated with our insights and ability to engage in rational thought, regardless of a situation’s complexity. It governs our left and lower brain, ears, nose, and left eye.
Headaches, dizziness, and cataracts can arise when this chakra is unbalanced. On the emotional front, you may experience anger, rage, chronic stress, anxiety, or indifference if your third-eye chakra is out of alignment.

The throat chakra is our fifth chakra, ruling our ability to remain self-aware and speak our truth. It is associated with the lungs, larynx, pharynx, and vagus nerve.
When out of balance, there may be a risk for asthma, sore throat, and respiratory issues. It isn’t uncommon to experience paranoia, shyness, extreme introversion, or suppressed emotions if you have a blocked throat chakra.

The heart chakra, our fourth chakra, is located in our chest. It rules love and empathy, impacting our romance and a general sense of love for others. This chakra is directly linked to our heart, circulation, and vagus nerve function.
When unbalanced, there is an increased risk of nervous breakdowns, heart and circulatory issues, breast cancer, and scoliosis. Tearfulness, anxiety, depression, and issues with giving and receiving love abound when this chakra is impacted.

The solar plexus chakra is our third chakra, located in our solar plexus, which is between our upper abdomen and chest bone. It is linked to our liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, and pancreas. It governs how we show up in the world, through our career and general capabilities, plus our overall self-esteem.
When out of balance, there may be dysfunction with each of its associated organs, including liver cancer, digestive disorders, and even diabetes. Depression, low energy, dismal self-esteem, stubbornness, and arrogance can all come into play when the solar plexus isn’t balanced.

The sacral chakra is our second chakra and is associated with sexual fulfillment, social integration, and emotional intelligence. Our sex drive, boundaries, creativity, and sense of connection are all intimately linked to the sacral chakra.
It is associated with our sexual organs and is located between our belly button and pubic bone. When out of balance, someone may experience menstrual issues, testicular and uterine diseases, impotence, and lumbar pain. As for the emotional experience of this chakra when unbalanced? You may experience jealousy, heightened sensitivity, and poor communication.

The root chakra, which is the first chakra, is located at the base of our body—think pelvic area, sit bones, and bottom of our spine. It rules family, abundance, and security. We can think of the root chakra as all that keeps us grounded, from our survival instincts to our basic needs.
It is associated with the spine, kidneys, bladder, and large intestine. When out of balance, it isn’t uncommon to experience bowel disorders, depression, immune system challenges, addictions, and allergies, amongst other things. Emotionally, one may feel insecurity, scarcity, anxiety, and fear of change when this chakra is out of balance